7 Simple Tips For A Healthy (and enjoyable) Holiday/Vacation

A few months ago I wrote all about healthy snacks while travelling (to see that post click here). Today I have part two which is my 7 tips on how to enjoy food and have a healthy holiday.

1. When travelling or on vacation your aim should be to maintain your weight rather than to lose weight. A large part of experiencing other cultures is trying the local cuisines. You don't want to over shadow every meal time with anxiety over what is going to be the healthiest choice. Some holidays are purely for relaxation and fretting over what you eat doesn't really fit in with that theme.

2. Allow yourself treats. For example on my recent holiday in Portland we went to the famous Voodoo Doughnut store and couldn't resist trying out a few of their delicacies. Following our sugar coma we didn't have much of an appetite so had lighter meals the rest of the day. You shouldn't feel guilty if you do eat something that isn't healthy just enjoy it and then try to make healthier choices the rest of the day.

3. Concentrate on portion size when eating at a restaurant. Remember you don't have to finish everything on you plate, eat slowly and stop eating when you feel satisfied. Have a look at other peoples food when walking into a restaurant so you can see how big the meals are and determine if you should share something or order your own.

4. Try to get in as many vegetables as possible. Consider ordering a side salad or a side of vegetables. 

5. Ask for no chips (fries) with your meal. By eliminating the temptation of chips you can save yourself quite a few kilojoules (calories).

6. Buy your snacks from grocery stores not cafe's. Often grocery stores have pre-cut fruit and veg or small tubs of yoghurt that are easy to stick in you bag for a snack later. Snacking through out the day on healthy foods will help you to control how much you eat at dinner because you won't be ravenous.

7. When you are on holiday you can find yourself drinking alcohol every day. Keep in mind that alcohol contains kilojoules. Try and have days where you don't have alcohol and if that isn't possible try to stick to one drink a day. Remember water is the best drink for you!

If you have any travel tips I would love to hear them, Leave them in the comments below or post them on the Nutrition Insight Facebook page. Where is your next travel desitnation? 

I hope you can use these tips to have a nutritious yet enjoyable holiday!

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