The Truth About Bread | Is It Making You Fat?

One of the most common things I hear from clients who want to lose weight is 'I have worked hard to cut out bread from my diet'. Since when did bread become the enemy? I think that the internet and social media, along with a few popular fad diets are responsible for the misinformation in this case. Let me give you the real truths on bread.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that we eat the highest number of serves per day from the grains food group compared to all the other food groups, even vegetables. The grains food group includes foods such as rice, pasta, cereal and of course bread. The high number of serves shows just how important this group is for your health. To learn more about the Australian Dietary Guidelines click here

Let me begin by saying too much of any food isn't good for you. For this reason you should eat bread in moderation. Some breads have a higher nutritional value than others. Wholemeal wholegrain breads are the best kind for you because like the name says they use the whole of the grain, once you start removing  the outer parts of the grain (for example to make white bread) you begin to lose a lot of the nutrients.

Bread (and carbohydrates in general) get a bad wrap when it comes to weight loss, however used in the right way bread can actually be a great tool to help you lose weight.

It provides you with easily accessible energy for you body to use as fuel. When you have more energy you might feel more motivated to exercise or even be able to push yourself harder when exercising.

 Wholegrain breads are packed with fibre, 2 slices will provide 5g of fibre which is around a fifth of your daily requirement. Fibre keeps your digestive system healthy and helps you to feel fuller for longer (another great tool to help with weight loss).

We also can't ignore that bread is actually a really convenient food. It doesn't take long to make a sandwich for lunch or some toast for breakfast. It is much better for you to have a sandwich with salad vegetables and lean meat or toast with avocado compared to not having anything at all or buying something like a meat pie for lunch.

Lastly bread provides a number of vitamins and minerals that are important for general health.

I hope I have been convincing enough to encourage you to enjoy some bread as part of your diet. Remember a balanced diet includes all kinds of foods from all of the food groups.

If you have any questions leave them in the comments below or on Nutrition Insight's social media.

Have a lovely weekend,


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